8 Weeks to a Better Me

Danielle at Sometimes Sweet has kicked off a new feature - 8 Weeks to a Better Me.  She encourages her readers to join in by sharing 3 goals of their own that relate to a certain topic each week for the next 8 weeks.  This week's topic is blogging.

1 - share my recently complete sewing project
I keep putting off sharing it because I still have to take pictures of my finished item... I think I was waiting for a "skinny day" to show me actually wearing what I made!

2 - blog about my neighborhood
My boyfriend and I will be moving in just 2 weeks so I want to document our daily life in this neighborhood.  I actually have a photo project in the works that I'd like to share.

3 - integrate the community of twitter with my blogging
I just started a twitter account on Friday, so I'm hoping to engage my new followers and start a conversation with my blog posts.

Okay - so there are my 3 goals for the week. I hope to do this for all 8 weeks, but since I'll be moving I'm not sure if I'll have time to blog about them all.

What are your 3 blogging goals this week?

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